Sarah is owner of Baker Speech Clinic, a private practice in south Oklahoma City. She graduated from OUHSC with her Masters of Speech-Language Pathology in 2000. She is an active member of the Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association having served as vice-president, president, and private practice chairperson. Specializing in pediatric communication disorders, Sarah has worked in a variety of settings including the public school system, SoonerStart early intervention, university clinics, and private practice. She specializes in Childhood Apraxia of Speech and autism spectrum disorders. Sarah is recognized by Apraxia Kids for Advanced Training and Clinical Expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Mrs. Baker is currently program director and professor at Oklahoma City Community College Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program.

2000 MS | Speech-Language Pathology University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
2008 – present | Owner, Baker Speech Clinic
2017 – present | Program Director SLPA Program | Oklahoma City Community College
2011 Recipient of Gwen Cacy Award for Excellence in Clinical Achievement
2014 President Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2017 Program Director OCCC SLPA Program
American Speech, Language & Hearing Association
Oklahoma Speech, Language & Hearing Association
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
Interactive Metronome
PROMPT Levels 1 and 2 technique
Recognized by Apraxia Kids for Advanced Training and Clinical Expertise in Childhood Apraxia of Speech